Im not gay meme dog

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Since it often preludes a first kiss or actual sex, it's extremely common with 'pure' characters who the writers are otherwise hesitant to show having an explicit interest in sexuality. As such, it's now an almost thoroughly Discredited Trope in Slash Fic). When it's made explicit, it's usually referred to as 'We're Not Gay We Just Love Each Other' (WNGWJLEO) in ficdom, where it's often criticized for its homophobia ( and that loving your own gender goes against the very possibility of you being straight. This is often an implicit assumption in some works that pairs characters that are generally portrayed as heterosexual (or homosexual - and/or related).

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Examples of this should go on Closet Key.

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Closet Key: The exception gradually becomes the rule for that character (this not being a subversion as such as the trope applies at the beginning of the relationship and is seen as responsible for the gradual reveal of the character's sexuality/gradual transition of their gender preference.Even the Gays/Straights Want Them: The target of attraction is presented as being physically attractive enough to transcend the sexual preferences of people, not just the attracted character.

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